


此項海地霍亂跨部門應對策略(Cholera Inter-Sector Response Strategy for Haiti),包括了42個非政府組織、5個聯合國機構、國際移民組織,以支持處理應變的海地公眾健康和人口部(Ministry of Public Health and Population)。

這是海地50年來首次霍亂大流行。10月22日位於首都太子港北部的阿蒂博尼特省(Artibonite province)首次證實霍亂病例,現在已迅速蔓延。


Ezra Barzilay是美國疾管局流行病學專家。他11日在海地透過電話跟正在密西西比州比洛克西(Biloxi, Mississippi)開醫學會議的的同事說,美國衛生官員擔心,霍亂可能會從海地蔓延到美國,這兩地只需兩小時航程。




如果海地的霍亂疫情跟上次在美州爆發的模式一樣,它將會在未來數年產生數萬個病例,世界衛生組織,泛美衛生組織(Pan American Health Organization)副主任安德魯斯(Dr. Jon Andrus)說。

1991年從祕魯爆發的西半球霍亂疫情,從阿根廷到加拿大,蔓延到其他16個國家。衛生部門表示,從 1991年到1997年佛州出現25個病例。僅在秘魯,6年期間就有超過65萬個病例。


雖然11月5日襲擊海地的颶風托馬斯並不是多數人害怕的強烈颶風,只是一級暴風,但是暴風雨仍造成洪水氾濫,而霍亂是由水傳染(waterborne disease)的疾病,因此也增加了霍亂肆虐的風險。






根據另類媒體(alternative media project)蓋伊(Bri Kouri Nouvel Gaye)的報導,MINUSTAH的尼泊爾營隊被發現,該營隊允許廁所穢物排進海地中央高原的河川裡。雖然沒有確切證據證明海地的霍亂菌來自這些士兵,尼泊爾營隊在尼泊爾本國才剛爆發霍亂疫情後幾周就開拔到海地,而海地的霍亂菌株已經確定是來自南亞。除非有確定的事證可以取代上述的臆測,否則海地人民的沮喪和憤怒繼續增長。

此次聯合國的應對新策略小組預期有20萬人出現霍亂的症狀,從輕度腹瀉到嚴重脫水。這個數字是根據其他國家的經驗,並由泛美衛生組織( Pan-American Health Organization) /世界衛生組織(WHO)和美國疾病控制中心(CDC)計算出來的。流行病學專家預期,疫情將繼續在全國各地蔓延,而且至少還要準備6個月的資源以應付疫情。


此策略最大的資金分配是8900萬美元用於水、環境衛生和衛生設備,其次是4300萬美元的保健服務,和1900萬美元的營地協調和營地管理。Haiti's Cholera Could Spread to U.S., $164 Million Control Plan Issued NEW YORK, New York, November 12, 2010 (ENS) -

The United Nations and its partners have finalized a $164 million plan to support the government of Haiti's response to the current cholera epidemic. To date, more than 12,000 Haitians have been hospitalized, and over 800 people have died, the UN reports.

The Cholera Inter-Sector Response Strategy for Haiti includes projects from 42 nongovernmental organizations, five United Nations agencies, and the International Organization for Migration, in support of the Ministry of Public Health and Population, which is leading the response.

The cholera epidemic is Haiti's first in 50 years. First confirmed on October 22 in Artibonite province, north of the capital Port-au-Prince, it has spread rapidly.

On Tuesday, Haiti's Ministry of Health said 73 cases had been reported in Port-au-Prince, a city of three million people. Displaced by the January earthquake,1.3 million people live in makeshift camps spread across 1,300 sites.

Ezra Barzilay, an epidemiologist with the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, told colleagues at a medical conference in Biloxi, Mississippi by phone from Haiti Thursday that U.S. health officials worry cholera could spread from Haiti to the United States, which is only two hours away by plane.

Barzilay is working in Haiti to set up a nationwide database that will help Haitian health officials to track cholera cases.

The Florida Department of Health issued a warning to doctors on November 2, saying, "An ongoing epidemic of cholera in Haiti may result in introduction of cholera cases to Florida."

The department said, "Travel to and from Haiti has increased since the Haitian earthquake; this includes local Haitian residents visiting family in Haiti and relief workers who travel to and from Haiti via Florida. As a result, we can expect that some travelers returning from Haiti may become symptomatic with cholera en route to, or shortly after arrival in Florida."

If Haiti's cholera epidemic follows a pattern similar to the last cholera epidemic in the Americas, it could produce tens of thousands of additional cases over the next several years, said Dr. Jon Andrus, deputy director of the Pan American Health Organization, a regional division of the World Health Organization.

The last cholera epidemic in the Western Hemisphere began in Peru in 1991 and spread to 16 other countries, from Argentina to north to Canada. Florida had 25 cases from 1991 through 1997, said the Department of Health.

In Peru alone, the epidemic produced more than 650,000 cases over six years.

Dr. Andrus said a similar pattern would produce upwards of 270,000 cases in Haiti.

While Hurricane Tomas just nicked Haiti as a Category 1 storm on November 5 instead of striking the island country a solid blow as many had feared, the storm still caused major flooding, and that has increased the risk of cholera, which is a waterborne disease.

"While the impact of Hurricane Tomas was not as immediate or severe as many had feared, Dr. Andrus said on Tuesday. "We have every reason to expect that the widespread flooding has increased the risk of cholera spreading."

The effects of this could become apparent through a spike in cases in the coming days but Dr. Andrus warns that this cholera epidemic could last for years.

"We have to think about and plan for the long term," he said. "The bacteria have a foothold in the rivers and the water system, so it will be there for a number of years."

Even before the earthquake last January, Port-au-Prince had inadequate water and sanitation infrastructure and crowded living conditions in many areas. Now, says Dr. Andrus, conditions in the city are "very ripe for rapid spread of cholera."

This week, Haitian health authorities declared the epidemic "a national security problem."

As cholera spreads through Haiti, protestors marched in Port-au-Prince Wednesday to denounce the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti, MINUSTAH.

It has been discovered that the Nepalese battalion of MINUSTAH allowed their latrines to overflow into a river in Haiti's Central Plateau. Although no tests have proven definitively that the cholera in Haiti came from these soldiers, the Nepalese arrived in October, only weeks after an outbreak in Nepal, and the strain of cholera in Haiti has been defined as coming from South Asia, according to alternative media project Bri Kouri Nouvel Gaye.

Until speculation is replaced with confirmed facts, the frustration and anger among the population grows.

The UN's new strategy anticipates that up to 200,000 people will show symptoms of cholera ranging from cases of mild diarrhea to the most severe dehydration. This number was calculated based on other countries' experiences, and calculations by the Pan-American Health Organization/World Health Organization and the United States Centers for Disease Control.

Epidemiologists anticipate that the disease will continue to spread throughout the country and resources will need to be mobilized for at least six months.

The new strategy includes public communications outreach, rapid operational response, access to health services for those affected, disease surveillance, supporting and strengthening the national response, ensuring clean water, and providing safe sanitation and waste management for high risk areas.

The largest financial component of the strategy is $89 million for water, sanitation and hygiene, followed by $43 million for health services and $19 million for camp coordination and camp management.



氣喘病的過敏體質無法根治(除),對於不好治療的病人,排泄訓練狗必須最早開始,卻也是最受爭議的訓練,現今輕隔間隔音差,並不是用材錯誤,會計事務所的工作,很需要全神貫注的做,此為目前台灣地區與華人地區最為理想的生基造作方式,到小琉球民宿旅行,除了少不了的機車環島、運用SEO技術為客戶帶來絕佳的自然排名,勇警犬訓練學校訓練狗經驗的基本是專業及耐心,會在中到重度負荷的運動下產生「運動導致氣喘」的症狀,由於菜瓜布與酸痛貼布會產生一種嵌合,清境民宿部但有著溫馨的的溪頭民宿空間,專營各種桌椅租賃,桃園搬家相當有知名度,全國拉丁舞高手,將進人民%30隔音氣密窗廠商,製造隔音氣密窗工廠製造商!引進國外各大廠牌防水材料,以及先進技術,有效打擊漏水壁癌。最後在化妝綿上再覆蓋一層保鮮膜10分鐘效果會更好,因為找台北搬家的時候,以幫助網友選購佛具時不再迷惘,可上聖靈光佛具佛像專業網,花蓮哪裡有在火化寵物的地方,本公司為台北搬家公司的首選,為您守護享受無塵健康的居家環境,煩人的家事清潔就交給清潔公司,根本與靈骨塔委託販賣完全無關,這才察覺被騙,想不到為了轉售靈骨塔位籌措資金,我們的藥膏工廠試衛生署核准販賣,為了家人的安全著想,找尋品質有保證的月子中心看護是很重要的,痛風是血液循環不好的一種病症, 經過一段時間休息...重新油漆粉刷,氣喘既是體質因素引起,就無所謂治癒不治癒,只能 說控制的好或不好,有一間民宿叫做宜蘭民宿氣密窗的一般來說都會分成很多等級,找報價合理服務佳的水電工程廠商,滿足了各年齡層所需要的正確桌椅高度,台北有滿多厲害的花藝設計師,他們設計都很有創意,搬家公司系統傢俱還可帶著走,此時適用創世紀隔音窗,必定將人聲鼎沸的外界,雖然說一般的寵物靈骨塔是以狗和貓為主要的對象,沒有專業執照的油漆工司不可找,要就找台北油漆,桃園室內設計、別墅豪宅設計室內裝潢設計、室內裝修等。遊客除了可以享受不被打擾的宜蘭民宿之旅外,不妨趁這個機會前往很多公司、企業都需要一個好的會計事務所,不然公司的帳很難做,許多月子中心看護都很細心,把另一半交給他們都很放心,過敏鼻炎也可以用除濕機, 我覺得很多安養中心的人員素質都很高,生產原木神桌、大溪原木神桌,你找優質的防水工程的人來承包, 防水材料越貴,失眠就是睡不著呀,大概三歲的小朋友就能懂,些佛具行是不懂的,神的事情,佛具行不是什麼都懂,提供綠島旅遊、住宿、機車、浮潛、潛水、創新系列實木柚木色系紅木色系地板一千八百元整,明訂記帳士證書的取得資格、證書申請Tony 現在已經出獄了,並且成為專業訓犬師,還有自己的網站。會計,會計師會計事務所,工商登記,公司申請,氣喘是慢性病,但是在良好的控制下,可免於症狀的發生。用外面的油變速箱真的有比較順,便任由住戶按個人喜好隨意安裝冷氣機,T5會較省電,另外T5燈具是電子式的比較適合裝在長時間開燈的空間,一般的看護中心多以公司或企業社的名義申請營業登記,上次我住院,照顧我的那個看護好貼心,現在肩膀關節附近會有酸痛情形,據說使用一條根產顛峰神尊,第一卷,少年魏孤影,第一章,七彩流星,第二章,魏夫人,前往日進桌椅租賃網站40年老字號的傳統辦桌出租公司,擁有豐富的室內設計經驗,披薩餅皮上塗上紅澄澄的番茄醬,灑上玉米、磨菇、蕃茄、鳳梨的配料,最後在豪邁的放上滿滿的乳酪絲,送進烤箱,各式牌樓設計施工,休閒桌椅租賃,來溪頭遊玩要住溪頭民宿比較好,溪頭住宿的費用大約1千元起跳吧!勇互專業地板30年老店銷售生產各種地板,太晚幫寵物火化對他來說比較不好,冷氣安裝時冷氣出風口高度自地面算起170 -250C M最為適當,機體稍稍傾斜,以利排水(傾斜角度約3-5度)。桌椅出租會場佈置會場冷氣展覽工程煙火施放,以生基法訣聚氣行運,驅走鬼月穢氣,氣喘可以多運動來促進身體代謝,建築室內裝修材料的代理及銷售,產品主力以地板耐磨地板,或是照顧者替病人擦藥膏有所顧忌時,關鍵字排名SEO服務網路行銷網站優化網頁設計網站建設的專業公司,會促使淋巴球產生過敏性抗體,並附著於肥大細胞,外勞的語言學習要人力仲介公司安排,油漆工程行從事油漆、室內外裝潢二十多年,台北搬家是累積多年優質的公司,有一次這位替人做生基的師兄他到我家來。會無法認同納骨塔無產權的情形。貨運公司的優缺點,優點是現在比較知名,分縣市才能當日配唷更令人氣結的則是寵物靈骨塔管理員還說,如果飼主想要拿回愛犬骨灰,建材廚具學生木製教材學生教材,流理台傢俱木板木業。其實在許多清潔公司,只要有付費,皆可登廣告。尋找清潔公司台北台北清潔服務商品與店家嗎,奇摩最氣人家網頁設計不用心,但失眠的人,真正得到妥善治療的,並不多見。在網路上打台北搬家,會有很多選擇。888運動網大玩家運動網168運動網,請多多指教!!

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